Futures Studies and Back casting in the face of the prevalence of covid 19

Document Type : Review Paper


Assistant Professor and director of the Futures Studies Group, National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Ministry Of Science, Research & Technology, Iran, Tehran.


Given that we humans are nothing like each other and have a variety of perceptions, we imagine different futures in different situations. Variety in life and distance from everyday life is perhaps the greatest human concern, and all the depression and frustration of human beings in the 21st century stems from this important factor. Various social events, such as floods, earthquakes, disease, and the like, sometimes surprise us. Communities that are consciously imagining their future and trying to put their images into action for a comprehensive future will never suffer. We need to be multi-faceted in the face of new futures and profound changes, and by recognizing these aspects and being aware of them, we can prepare ourselves for the future and try to contribute to our future construction. Cuvid 19 can be considered the latest trend in human society to affect all human beings in the world. The disease has led societies to make decisions, even at times, that have not been tested before, which at times have had far more dangerous consequences for the coronavirus. When there is no consensus on collective action, no further decisions can be expected. In the following article, the author will try to explore the present documents with an interpretive approach and introduce appropriate solutions to identify uncertainties that, if not addressed, will surprise us in the future. Future research-based foresight and retrospective research in certain situations, such as the Corona period, will provide valuable and significant solutions to the prevalence of covid 19 or similar events that the author intends to address. Obviously, with this approach, we will be able to build the desired future for ourselves.


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