interrelation between philosophy of science and history of science

Document Type : Review Paper


1 National Research Institute of Science Policy

2 National research institute of science policy


The paper examines the relationship between the history of science and philosophy of science from Imre Lakatos' point of view. According to him, to narrate a history of science, historians need a Methodology proposed by a Philosopher of science. The Philosophical methodology determines the way we make history. The methodology enables a historian to present a rational historical story for rising today's science. So history cannot be written unless a historian choose a philosophy of science.
For Lakatos, some of the historical constructions are better than others. The aim of a Philosophy of science is to reconstruct the history of science, in a way that it has the highest degree of rationality. In other words, the purpose of Lakatos' philosophy of science is to rational reconstruction of the history of science.
In this paper, firstly, the role of philosophy of science for history of science, and secondly, the role of history of science in judging different philosophical methodologies, will be discussed. Finally, the implications of the Lakatos approach for scientific realism will be examined
interaction between philosophy and history, Lakatos, Historiography of science


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.) انتشارات سمد، چاپ دشم) 0388
باشلر، ریتر ج.) 0474 ( انقلا مندل، )تولد رر ماجرای علم انتیک ش مفاهیم شرااد در جامعه
) معاصر(، ثالون ررس، ترجمه:محی الدین غفرانی، انتشارات علمی فرهنگی) 0382
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