Mathematical Houses: Explaining the Unique Role of Them in Popularization of Mathematics

Document Type : Review Paper


, Assistant Professor Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


 The main purpose of current article is explaining the unique role of mathematical houses activities in teaching and learning process and popularization of mathematics in the socity. For doing this we first give some information about history and background of mathematical houses in Iran. Then some activities of Kerman mathematics house will be presented. After that the necessity of mathematical houses activities in four dimensions )contain Cultural, Educational, Mathematical Literacy of citizen and confronting against Konkor) will be introduced. In this section, the unique role of mathematical houses in society will be expressed through documents and witnesses. So, with this comments we can emphasis on the important role of mathematical houses beside the official mathematics education at school. In final part of this article two type of math  will be indentified. The first one is school math and the second one is mathematics houses math. These two type of mathematics are complementary and they can support each other


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