Houses of Science and Life: A Link for Popularization of Science

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Associate Professor, National Research Institute for Science Policy

2 Research Expert, National Research Institute for Science Policy


The popularization of science is a term that has become prevalent in recent decades and its goal is to develop science and scientific insight. The national documents emphasize on achieving a top position in the region over the next few years. Undoubtedly, achieving this important goal requires tools and institutionalization of thinking and scientific insight in the society and this goal will not be achieved but during a process referred to as the process of popularization of sciences. This process results in the application of science in society.
This article investigates and identifies the role of science and life houses as a link for popularization of science with the aim of institutionalization of the process of popularization of science. House of science and life is a popular, voluntary association and a subsidiary of district community center with the partnership of Tehran Municipality and the head of the district is responsible to establish and launch volunteer training centers through using the material and spiritual capabilities of citizens.
In this study, we seek to answer this question; what is the role of civil associations for popularization of science including houses of science and life in popularization of science? Do these centers well function? This study is descriptive and analytical. Houses of science and life can function as a link between science and society. To do this, institutional relationship of these houses with the scientific associations are necessary to create a scientific culture in the society.


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