A Study on the Scientific Norms and Theoretical Explanation of Deviation from the Norms

Document Type : Review Paper


MA. in Sociology


The institution of science like other institutions involves social values,
social norms, and social roles. The normative structure of science causes
occurrence or identifying scientific deviations. This paper plans to study the
norms of science and explain the deviation from them. This is a library and
documentary research.
The present study shows that the four norms including universalism,
communality, disinterestedness, and organized skepticism that function
together comprise the ethos in scientific fields. Moreover, this study shows
that different perspectives make mention of the engagement of deranged
individuals in scientific activities, the failure of personal and social controls,
a disconnection between scientific community’s goals and the legitimate
means to achieve them, and the industrialization of science by industry and
academic laboratories, as the most important factors that cause deviancy
from the norms of science.


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