Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goal in the Context of Continuation of Mainstream Sustainable Development in Agenda 2030

Document Type : Review Paper


Faculty Member, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


In Iran’s Development Plans, Mainstream Sustainable Development has increasingly become the standard for resolving the environmental crisis. Therefore, the question is to what extent sustainable development goal deserves adherence; and whether complete implementation of it will resolve the problems caused by development, especially environmental problems. The aim of this article has been to answer this question by focusing on Agenda 2030 and “Sustainable Development Goals” as the current document of Mainstream Sustainable Development. The method was to examine, analyse, and critique Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals: background, standing, and advantages of this document was examined; its inadequacies was explained in three parts; and continuation in it of the key constituents of Mainstream Sustainable Development was discussed. The main results were as follows. Sustainable Development Goals wants to preserve three aspects at the same time: it wants not to disturb the economic growth of the wealthy minority of the world; it wants to save the Earth; and it wants to eradicate poverty. But these three goals as propounded in Sustainable Development Goals cannot coexist. Agenda 2030’s programme for eradicating poverty is based on the old model of growth. Another fundamental inadequacy of Agenda 2030 is that it is still dominated by the worldview of development. These are aspects of Agenda 2030 that originate in the features of Mainstream Sustainable Development and should make us ponder so as to be much warier than before in dealing with it.


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