The comprehensive strategies of circular economy in establishing the circular innovation ecosystem

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Research Fellow at National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU), Tehran, Iran


Circular economy as a challenging issue in social innovation area, more specifically with a focus on sustainable development, and in response to current global challenges regarding, warming, resource scarcity, attention to the environment as well as the presentation of an economic model aimed at eliminating the direct link between economic development and resource use, has been widely discussed by researchers, experts and policymakers as one of the world's trends. However, the concept of circular economy as a macro concept is still developing. In addition, many experts have considered the explanation of the circular economy concept to be dependent on the context of its emergence, but there is few documented research that has examined this concept in the context of innovation ecosystems.The present study tries to describe the implementation of circular innovation ecosystem with the aim of conceptualizing the circular economy in the innovation ecosystem using previous sources and experts' opinions. Therefore, this study, using a hybrid approach and through methods such as (1) systematic review aiming at extracting previous data, (2) content analysis aiming at examining the opinion of experts, presents the infrastructure, strategies, programs, and requirements for establishing a circular innovation ecosystem. This research stands out for a general question of what is the fundamental strategies of circular economy in implementation of circular innovation ecosystems. The results of this research will bring achievements for a wide range of researchers, policymakers in various fields, economic activists as well as institutions in charge of sustainable development.


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