Artificial Intelligence Observatory Center of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Document Type : Review Paper


Department of Computer Science, Hamedan University of Technology


Observatories have always been of great importance in the policy-making and planning process and in foresight projects. Their job is to monitor changes and trends and to identify opportunities for effective policy-making and planning. Observatories operate professionally and are usually the advisory arm of macro-policy institutions such as ministries or international unions like the EU. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the largest international economic decision-making body, which has been operating since 1948. Due to the major and influential developments that are taking place in the field of artificial intelligence and the importance of the trends derived from artificial intelligence that will shape the future of human life, from May 2019, the has been launched as a monitoring and policy center in the field of AI. Awareness of the existence of this observatory and its activities are necessary and useful for policymakers and researchers who research in the field of artificial intelligence or futures studies. This paper uses document study method to introduce the Artificial Intelligence Observatory of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is a promotional step to assist researchers working in the field. The observatory provides information in four main sections. The "principles of artificial intelligence of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development", "artificial intelligence policy", "countries and initiatives" as well as "data and trends of artificial intelligence" are the four main sections of this observatory where detailed information and reports are available.


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