Digital storytelling in improving scientific communication

Document Type : Review Paper


faculty member / National Science Policy Research Center



Porpouse: Digital storytelling is introduced as a way to create and share information, promote immersion and interaction, as well as provide opportunities for repetitive and collaborative training and learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of storytelling in scientific communication, explain the different types of storytelling and define digital storytelling and its capabilities.

Approach: This study by documentary method sought to identify the types of storytelling that humans have used since the beginning of human history to tell better stories, these forms include: oral, visual, written, and digital stories. In this regard, digital stories are divided into three categories depending on their content and purpose: personal stories / narratives, informative or instructive stories, and stories that examine historical events. Digital storytelling approaches include: oral history, podcasts, interactive / spatial narratives, multimedia and hypermedia narratives.

Findings: The findings of this study regarding the use of digital storytelling tools in our country indicate that the influence of this feature is rarely used by prominent scientists and researchers. Except for one or two cases, this issue has not been seriously considered and has been neglected in the scientific and promotional literature of our country.

Results: While many of the available tools are free, they can be used to strengthen scientific communication easily. Therefore, it is suggested those involved in science promotion to plan in order to introduce researchers and scientists with this emerging phenomenon, and to pave the way for the mutual benefit of researchers and the general public.


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